
Over the next few weeks we'll be exploring partial amounts, or fractions. Every time we share food, count money, or refer to things as “some, most, or all” we use fractions. We are very familiar with halves, thirds, and fourths.

Online Fraction Activities:

Practice equivalent fractions by labeling the numerator and denominator.

Find the fraction that is not equivalent.

To compare fractions, first change them into "like" fractions with common denominators, then decide which is greater <> (alligator eats the bigger number).

Rename mixed numbers as improper fractions.

Adding/Subtracting Fractions:

To add "unlike" fractions, change them into "like" fractions before you add.

Play adding fractions soccer or try and win the adding fractions race.

Practice subtracting fractions and play subtracting fractions jeopardy.