
Integers- whole numbers (positives) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… and their opposites (negatives) -1, -2, -3, -4, -5.

Online Integers Activities:
Explore integer addition using black (+) and red (-) chips like we did in class.

Play Line Jumper and answer the addition problem by clicking on the number line.

Play Integer Jeopardy against yourself or a friend!

Learn the Integer Cheer!

Dear Parents,

As an effort to raise our Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) math scores, I have tightly aligned all of our class work and assessments with state benchmarks. Each math skill your student is expected to know has been broken down as “I Can” statements that align with Hawaii Content and Performance Standard Benchmarks for 7th grade math.

* I will be using a Standards-Based Grading System, so students’ grades (A, B, C, or F) are based on the number of “I Can’s” completed for the course (showing me what they can do).

*Individual Support: Students can come in for help before school, at lunch, and after school for tutoring and re-taking of quizzes to master the “I Can” Statements.

*This website is a tool to help students achieve success. For each “I Can” there is an explanation for students to read, a voice thread for students to listen to and watch, as well as multiple practice problems to complete.

*Students can have unlimited retakes of any assessment to get credit for an “I Can”. In order to retake an assessment, students are advised to listen to the voice thread online to deepen their understanding of the concept. Then students can complete “Round 1” practice problems and check with the answers provided on the bottom of the website. Once students have relearned the concept and practiced it, they should complete “Round 2” practice problems and show me them in order to retake an assessment. Effort and practice must be shown in order to retake a quiz so that the same mistakes aren’t made again. I want students to master the concepts!

*Please encourage your student to work hard in math. In order for your child to be successful, there needs to be cooperation between students, parents, and teachers. Students need to be responsible and accountable for their own learning. Your student has math homework 4 nights a week and can use this website for practice problems and clarification of the concepts.

It is a joy to work with your children!
-Miss Blohm

What exactly are these "I CAN's" anyway?

The state of Hawai'i has set standards and benchmarks for what we need to learn this year in 7th grade math. The "I Can" statements break those benchmarks down into specific skills, and in the end you'll walk away knowing exactly what you CAN do!

For each "I Can", you must show me you can master it twice.
Showing mastery means 3/4 or 4/4 on the assessment's rubric.

GOAL: In the end, I just want you to know the math. You are allowed unlimited retakes, I just want to see you master the skill!

TRACKING: It is imperative you continue to be responsible and track your own progress on your "I Can's".

Show me once you can do it = /
Show me twice you can do it = X

You are graded on how many things you've mastered ( X's ) out of how many concepts we've covered.

This website is for you!

Every student has the ability to be successful in math. Some concepts you might pick up in class, other times you may need to see it over and over again until it 'clicks'. USE THIS WEBSITE! This is a valuable tool for accessing explanations, online activities, and practice problems to help you master the seventh grade math material- which I know you can do!

But remember, "If it's to's up to me!" You decide how much effort to put in.